What is SEO

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. IT is a process of optimizing our website to get organic or un-paid, traffic from the search engine result page.

Otherworld’s, SEO is a technique which is used to place our website or blogs at the top position in Search Engine Results Page.

Types of SEO-

ON-Page SEO : The direct action that is taken within the website to get better ranking and to get a better traffic to our websites.

Techniques of On Page SEO:

1.Meta Title Optimization: -Maintain title length of 60-70 characters. Try to place brand name and keyword in the title. Don’t place special characters in the title tag except (-) (|)

2.Meta Description Optimization: Should place all our targeted keywords which are present on the front end .The summary of our website description with 200-300 words and try to place keywords and brand name in the description.

3.URL tag optimization: Try to place keyword in the URL don’t use special characters in the URL.

4. Content tag Optimization: - Content should be unique and original with 200-300 words and should maintain keyword density of 5% and should maintain keyword prominence.

5. Image Tag optimization: - Try to place HD images and Try to place ALT+TEXT or ALT attributes and description why because the google will crawl only alt text and description they can’t read images. Try to place keyword.

6. Video Tag Optimization: - Try to place HD videos from YouTube and should use iframe code and try to place keyword in the iframe code.

7. Header tag Optimization: - Try to use all Header tags from <H1> to <H6>, and try to place keyword in the all the header tags.

8.Anchor text link Optimization: - The text which we select to give link is called ANCHOR TEXT.

§  Internal Link: If we are giving link to from one page of our website to another page of our website is called internal link.

§  External link: If we’re giving link from one website to another website is called external link.

2. OFF- Page SEO: Off Page SEO involves in a technique that improves the position of a website in the Search Engine Results Page.

1. Directory & Article Submissions: Collect all Directory & Article Submissions sites and submit our website link and we get a backlink from those websites.

2. Local Classifieds: Collect all the Local Classifieds sites and look for post a free ad and post the ad by giving the details and will get the back link.

3. Profile creation sites: Collect all Profile creation sites and look for submit link or create profile and will get backlink from these sites.

4. Social bookmarking: Collect all the social bookmarking look for account settings and all five credentials and will get backlinks.

5. Forum submissions: collect all Forum submissions sites and then we should participate in the discussions and should ask for backlink.

6. Blog commenting: Collect all the Blog commenting sites and should comment on the niche blogs and should address the queries so that they can produce the backlinks.

7. Guest blogging: Collect all Guest blogging sites and look for write to us and should send an original article and blog to the admin so if they like our content then they will produce backlink for our website.

8. Private blog networks: collect all the Private blog networks sites
 and check for 404 errors and should reach out to admin and inform about the broken links in their websites so they can produce backlinks for us.

10. Local business listings: GO to business.google.com and give all your credentials and google will give u the listing on the map at our business place.

Technical SEO : Technical SEO is a very important step in the whole SEO process. It refers to the websites and surver opimiation that help to search engine bots crawl and index your websites more effectively.
Other words, technical SEO refers to the process of optimizing your website for the crawling and indexing phase. With technical SEO, you can help search engines access, crawl, interpret and index your website without any problems.
It is called “technical”, because it has nothing to do with the actual content of the website or with website promotion. The main goal of technical SEO is to optimize the infrastructure of a website.
1.    SEO audit
2.    Mobile Optimization
3.    Check Robot.txt file
4.    Duplicate Content
5.    Site Structure
6.    Page or site speed
7.    XML Sitemap


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