
How to Improve Your Keyword Rankings in Google

Important factor that help to improve ranking #1 on Google.   1. Measure Your Rankings • Check your ranking true the webmaster tool- Google Search Console. • Export keyword data from Google Search Console and Google Analytics(landing page traffic). • True this data will know that; ü What is valuable keywords. ü Where is the need to improvement. ü What keywords are underperforming. ü Which keyword are rank.   2. Target the Right Keywords • T o ensure your keyword targets are aligned with  business objectives. • Knowing , Which keywords are currently ranking in top search results. ü Related searches ü People also ask ü Google autocomplete suggestions ü Other advanced search features. • Knowing what is required to rank for a particular keyword. For this SEMrush SEO Tool is really great for this type of analysis. You simply enter a keyword, and the tool will analyze what’s showing up in Google’s top results. • Don’t ignore long-tail queries.

What is SEO

What is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. IT is a process of optimizing our website to get organic or un-paid, traffic from the search engine result page. Otherworld’s, SEO is a technique which is used to place our website or blogs at the top position in Search Engine Results Page. Types of SEO- ON-Page SEO :  The direct action that is taken within the website to get better ranking and to get a better traffic to our websites. Techniques of On Page SEO: 1. Meta Title Optimization: -Maintain title length of 60-70 characters. Try to place brand name and keyword in the title. Don’t place special characters in the title tag except (-) (|) 2. Meta Description Optimization: Should place all our targeted keywords which are present on the front end .The summary of our website description with 200-300 words and try to place keywords and brand name in the description. 3. URL tag optimization:  Try to place keyword in the URL don’t use special char


Nowadays, a lot of people, especially the young generation, are looking for ‘How Can I learn Digital Marketing?’ Do you know what is Digital Marketing? So, Let's start with                Introduction to  Digital Marketing   (‘’4’’ W Concepts) WHAT is Digital Marketing? Digital Marketing is doing marketing of product, services , brands or people on Internet using Digital devices like laptops, computer and mobile phones. Other words, Digital Marketing is process of promoting product and services through the digital medium.  Digital Marketing Medium such as,  Search Engines ,  Websites ,  Social Media ,  Mobile Apps ,  Email,  Inbound etc.  WHY is Digital Marketing? Increased Customer Satisfaction & Experience Increased Customer Retention Drive Revenue Through personalization Increase Cross-sell & Up-sell rates Increase Market Efficiency & Quick Time To value Marketing Effectiveness. WHO can do Digital Marketing? Candidates who are lo


WHAT IS E-COMMERCE? E-Commerce, also known as e-Business, or electronic business, is simply the sale and purchase of services and goods over an electronic medium, like the Internet. It also involves electronically transferring data and assets between two or more parties. Basically, it is online shopping as we ordinarily know it. WHAT IS AN E-COMMERCE WEBSITES?  E-Commerce websites are online portals that encourage online exchanges of goods and services through methods for the exchange of data and assets over the Internet. In the early days, e-Commerce was done partially through emails and phone calls. Presently, with a single website, anything and everything that a transaction needs, can be executed online. DIFFERENT TYPES OF E-COMMERCE WEBSITES? Different e-commerce websites are labeled or referred to differently, based on the function they fulfill. source: Business-to-Business (B2B): Electronic transactions of goods and